Quality at the heart of our customers’ satisfaction

Quality, Safety and the Environment are daily issues for every employee of our laboratory. Our accreditations and approvals are guarantees of reliability, impartiality and confidentiality, which show the commitment of the laboratory in its quality approach.

20 years of COFRAC accreditation

La Drôme Laboratoire is accredited on a set of programs and guides, in the following areas: samples and analyzes of water, food, soil, mud and sediment, air, and animal health.   The accredited parameters or analyzes are specified in the certificate and Technical Annex No. 1-0852, scope available under www.cofrac.fr.

Did you know ? 

Our accreditation by COFRAC according to ISO 17025 is recognized in Europe and in the world. MLA multilateral agreements allow this recognition.

10 years of flexible reach

Since November 2009, La Drôme Laboratoire is accredited in flexible scope in many areas. This allows him to evolve his detailed scope between two COFRAC evaluations. As such, the laboratory is recognized as being competent in the field covered by its general scope to: adopt, adapt any recognized method and develop or implement any other method that it has validated.

Our approvals

Drôme Laboratoire is approved by various French ministries:
  • by the Minister of Health for carrying out samples and analyzes of the sanitary control of water intended for human consumption (excluding natural mineral waters) and swimming and bathing waters. Full list of approved parameters by health ministry
  • by the Minister of the Environment for the control of freshwater, waste water and sediments for physico-chemical analyzes, of organic micropollutants and micro-pollutants. Full list of approved parameters by Environment ministry
  • by the Minister of Agriculture for regulatory analyzes carried out during official food control operations. It has authorizations for the official serological research of several animal diseases including certain important zoonoses and for the research of the heavy metals, dioxins and PCB in HRMS (participation in the monitoring plans and control plans, PSPC).

Interlaboratory tests

To ensure the quality of its results, La Drôme Laboratoire participates in numerous Inter-Laboratory Tests (ILT) organized by accredited organizations COFRAC according to standard NF EN ISO / IEC 17043 on “Conformity assessment, general requirements for proficiency tests”. The results of the ILT are reliable and powerful tools to attest to the competence of laboratories to perform tests with specified means. ILTs allow :
  • Quality control to monitor the validity of tests
  • Validation of methods and estimation of uncertainties
  • Staff assessment or qualification
  • Control of equipment and ambient conditions